Indonesian National Army to Combines to Build Villages in Lebak Build Unfit Houses

Houses of residents that almost collapsed and were unfit for habitation in Jaya Sari Village, Cimarga Subdistrict, Lebak Regency, Banten, who received a house renovation program from the 110/2021 Indonesian National Army Combined to Build Village program. (Photo : Special).


By : Captain Inf. Ade Hermansyah
(Head of the Military Resort 064/Maulana Yusuf Banten)


Lebak, –

Activities of the Indonesian National Army Combined to Build the 110th Village of Military District Command 0603/Lebak which is located in two villages, namely Jaya Sari and Gununganten Villages, Cimarga District, Lebak Regency, Banten Province. In addition to physical development, the Indonesian National Armed Forces Combined to Build Villages. Military District Command 0603/Lebak, is also aggressively carrying out non-physical activities with the Indonesian National Army and the Police Republic Indonesian, which are currently carrying out enviromental education activitieslive, with the head of information at the Military Resort Command 064/Maulana Yusuf Banten, Captain Inf. Ade Hermansyah.

Then after participating in outreach activities with the community of Gununganten Village, Cimarga District, Lebak Regency. Captain Inf. Ade Hermansyah, accompnied by the Commander of the Indonesian National Army Company-Level Unit, Military District Command 0603/Lebak, Captain Inf. Yan Tirtayasa, is carrying out physical activities such as opening road access, installing 10 culvert, installing U-Ditch, Block Covers, building Thieves Security Posts, Majlis Ta’lim Al-Barokah and Building houses unfit for habitation.

A 6 kilometers long and 8 meters wide road that connects Jaya Sari Village with Gununganten, Cimarga Subdistrict, Lebak Regency, Banten, which was built by the Indonesian National Army Combined to Build the 110th / 2021th Village. (Photo : Special).


Head of information at the Military Resort Command 064/Maulana Yusuf Banten, Captain Inf. Ade Hermansyah, accompanied by Company-Level Unit Commander, Indonesian National Army, Military District Command 0603/Lebak, Captain Inf. Yan Tirtayasa, when met by media crews in Jaya Sari Village, Cimarga Subdistrict, Lebak Regency, said that for the activity of the Indonesian National Army Combined to Build Villages in 2021, which is located in the Lebak Regency area, namely the Indonesian National Army Combined to Build Villages Military District Command 0603/Lebak the 110th.

The activities of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Combined to Build the Village consisted of physical and non-physical targets. Meanwhile, physical targets include opening a 6 kilometers long and 3 meters wide. In additio, additional physical program include drainage, retaining sheet piles and culverts, installation of a block cover, U-Ditch, construction of a Thief Security Post and construction of a Thief Security Post and construction of uninhabitable houses in Leuwi Buleud, Jaya Sari Village.

Renovation of Majlis Ta’lim Al-Barokah, Jaya Sari Village, Cimarga Subdistrict, Lebak Regency, Banten, by the Indonesian National Army Combined to Build the 110th / 2021 Village program. (Photo : Special).


Still according to Captain Inf. Ade Hermansyah, for the target of the Indonesian National Armed Forces program to build non-physical villagrs, namely, in the form of agricultural and animal husbandry counseling ,health religion regarding the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) health protocol, education and other fields. “There is also counseling about the national insight given to the community”, said Head of Information at Military Resort 064/Maulana Yusuf Banten, Captain Inf. Ade Hermansyah.

Commander of Indonesian National Army Company-Level Unit, Military District Command 0603/Lebak, Captain Inf. Yan Tirtayasa, explained that the current Imdonesian National Army program Combines to Build the 110th Village in 2021 in the Cimarga Subdistrict. Lebak Regency, which is to open road access that connects Jaya Sari Village with Gununganten. While the access road is 6 kilometers long and 8 meters wide.

Construction of a Security Thief Post in Jaya Sari Village, Cimarga Subdistrict, Lebak Regency, through the 110/2021 Indonesian National Army Combined to Build Village program. (Photo : Special).


“In its implementation, the Indonesian National Army and the community work hand in hand together to work together to complete the opening of the road access”, he said.

According to Captain Inf. Yan Tirtayasa, with the construction of road access in Cimarga Subdistrict, Lebak Regency, it is hoped that it can boost the economy of the local village community. So that the people’s welfare will increase.

“So far, to transport crips, the people of Jaya Sari village only use motorbikes. So they can not be transported all and have to go back and forth. However, now the community’s produce can be transpirted using fourwheeled vehicles”, he said.

Captain Inf Yan Tirtayasa hopes that with the program of the Indonesian National Army Combined to Build a Village in Cimarga Subdistrict, Lebak Regency, later Jaya Sari Village will not be isolated and left behind as before. This is because currently there is a program of the Indonesian National Armed Forces to Build Villages which has opened access to road transportation that can be used by the community for economic and other axtivities.

“The Indonesian National Armed Forces Combined to Build Villages is only limited to opening road access and hardening it, the rest is the authority of the Lebak Regency Government, later the follow-up will be submitted to the Lebak Regency Government”, he explaiined.

In a separate location, Commander of Military Resort 064/Maulana Yusuf Banten, Brigadier General of the Indonesian National Army, Gumuruh Winardjatmiko, SE, MBA, stated that the 110th Indonesian National Armed Forces to Build Village in 2021 are currently being carried out in several areas, among other, in Cimarga District Lebak Regency, in Baros District Serang Regency and in the City of Cilegon.


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