Jam’iyyah Qolbun Nashor Warung Jaud Holds Dzikir Together

City of Serang, Harianexpose.com –

JAM’IYYAH Qolbun Nashor located at Link. RT. 24 / RW.5 Warung Jaud Subdistrict, Kasemen District, Serang City, Banten Province, held an activity with religious nuances in the form of reading the Yasin letter and Dzikir together.

The event was hosted by Ustadz Yusuf which was held every Friday night. “The yasinan and dhikr activities together are a routine agenda which is always held every Friday night,” he said.

Ustadz Yusuf said that when he was confirmed by Harianexpose.com, at his residence, Tuesday (30/3). According to him, his party would like to thank Alhamdulillah, the Jam’iyyah Qolbun Nashor activity in the form of yasinan and dzhikr together has been going on for about three years.

In fact, continued Yusuf, his congregation also came from various directions, among others, Link. Fire, Link. Liipatik Polda, Link. Kubang Apu, Link. Kidang Cijawa, Kp. Pabuaran, Kp. Pontang Hamlet Market, Kp. Peninggilan Bintaro, Kp. Kepuh Pontang, Bogor and other areas.

Iip Nukip, said his party from Padepokan Assyifa visited the Jam’iyyah Qolbun Nashor Link extended family. Warung Jaud, Warung Jaud Village, Kasemen District, Serang City, to participate in the yasinan and dzikir together.

Report : Aliudin

Editor In Chief : Hairuzaman.





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